Monthly Archives: April 2011

Trust Yourself!

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I recently found inspiration for this topic through a YouTube video I came by. I think this is a topic that is very important and I hope I can address it clearly. Today I wanna talk about intuition. Now, here’s the dictionary meaning for intuition (provided by Merriam Webster dictionary):

1 : quick and ready insight

2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition
b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition
c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference

All the above definitions are correct. Intuition is your body’s way of telling you what it wants and needs as well as warning you. Have you ever been somewhere or in the presence of someone and got this “gut feeling” that something just wasn’t right. That’s your intuition! Have you ever just known something to be right or wrong and had no reason as to why you knew this information? Again, that is your intuition! In society today we have learned to ignore this feeling, because it is considered irrational or impossible to know something for a fact without having any proof or reason as to why or how we know this. We’ve learned to ignore it so well that some may have even fallen out of tune with it.

Well it’s time we start listening to our intuition again. There is a reason as to why you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach. In society it is completely accepted that people are individually different from one another, so why is it that we group everyone together? We expect everyone to behave and do everything exactly the same. If you don’t do it the “correct way” than you’re “acting out” or have an “attitude problem.” That’s not true. The reason that not everyone can learn the same way, think the same way, behave the same way is not because they need an attitude check, it’s because internally we are all different. What may be right for one person may not be right for someone else.

Society is reigned by those of “high status,” and we listen to and trust everything that these people tell us is right. We focus on celebrities to know what we should wear and what we should look like. We look to those that hold political office to tell us how to live our lives and be noble citizens, but why do we trust these people? Just because something works or makes sense to them, it doesn’t have to be right for us. I thought we were all different? Why are we trying to act the same? We need to get back to a place where we trust ourselves again, because you know yourself better than anyone else does. You don’t need someone to tell you what you should look like or what you should wear, because you may not be like that person. You don’t need someone telling you what’s right or wrong, because deep down, you may not completely agree with them. If you feel in your heart or in the pit of your stomach that something just isn’t right for you, trust your feelings, trust your intuition. In the end, you know yourself best; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Love & Sunshine,

P.S. If your interested in the YT video that led me to write this post, click here!


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You open your eyes for the first time today. It’s morning, the start of a new day. You find yourself lying in bed for a few minutes knowing you should be getting up and starting your morning routine, but no, you lie there and stare up at the ceiling or close your eyes again for some much deserved extra sleep. Okay, well maybe you don’t start your day off exactly like this, but I do and now thinking out it, I started to wonder why I do this. I think I’ve found my answer. Purpose.

What is your purpose for today? What is it you want to get out of this day? What do you want to accomplish? What do you want? I have decided to start asking myself these questions each morning before I get up. Why? Because I feel it is important to attack each day with a purpose set in mind. It makes me feel productive, like I’m on my way to accomplishment. The purpose could be anything, from simply enjoying yourself or deciding to have a “relax” day to landing a job or finishing/beginning an important project. Everyone wants to feel as though they have a purpose in life, but I don’t believe we are here to accomplish just one set purpose. I believe everyday has its own different purpose; we just need to make one.

 As for “purpose in life,” I believe mine is to help people find happiness while also finding my own happiness. I’ve always felt like I’ve wanted to help people and I decided to make this my life’s purpose, but for today, my purpose is to relax (and put up this post). If you don’t feel like you’ve found your “life’s purpose,” start out with your day’s purpose and really strive for it. It will make you feel productive and, for me at least, I hate feeling as though I’m doing nothing.

Your purpose is what you make it and yes, it can change. Just go out and do your best.

Love & Sunshine,